H Mάσα δούλευε για ένα τσίρκο διασκεδάζοντας τους ανθρώπους και βιώνοντας όλη την κακοποίηση των ζώων του τσίρκου . Στα 11 της χρόνια την παρέδωσαν σε ένα στρατόπεδο για να χρησιμεύει σαν δόλωμα για την εκπαίδευση σκύλων στο κυνήγι αρκούδας. Όπως την βλέπετε στην φωτογραφία .Ας υπογράψουμε όλοι μαζί την διαμαρτυρία ,για να προσφέρουμε στην Μάσα μια καλύτερη ζωή χωρίς πόνο και αγωνία .Της αξίζει μετά από όσα πέρασε.
Masha, an 11 year old bear retired from a life in a traveling circus based in Moscow, Russia, is now being used in a camp as "bear bait" for training dogs to hunt bear in the wild. Bears at these camps are often kept on a short chain and are defenseless because they have had their teeth and claws removed so they do not hurt the dogs.
These camps, (or parks), in Russia are called "Pritravochnye stations" -there are about ten parks trainings dogs in Moscow region and Masha is at one called TTS Fryazevo. There are hundreds of these parks throughout Russia operating legally, because there are no laws prohibiting them from operating.
Pritravochnye stations train hunting dogs to hunt bear, fox, racoons, badgers, and other animals
Please sign the petition asking for the confiscation and rescue of Masha, the 11 year old bear from this barbarically cruel Pritravochnye station and that directors of such operations be charged with animal cruelty.
UPDATE.... A rescue plan is in place but Four Paws/Vier Pfoten are desperately trying to raise funds to now build her an enclosure at their sanctuary before they can get her out... please donate on here http://www.four-paws.org.uk/projects/bears/bears-in-ukraine/masha-desperately-needs-our-help/
Small or large, every penny counts so please donate if you can. The sooner they have the money the sooner Masha can be rescued, thank you.